Current Projects
Mont Albert

Current project: Worked with the developer and architects on this new build to provide a full schedule of finishes for both the interior and exterior of these 2 homes. Due to be completed March 2017.
Current project: Worked with the developer and architects on this new build to provide a full schedule of finishes for both the interior and exterior of these 2 homes. Due to be completed March 2017.
Current project: job in progress. Working with clients, builder, cabinet designer and lighting engineer. Providing design ideas and schedule for selection of finishes throughout home. Completion date July 2016
Current project: job in progress. Working with Architect Nadine Samaha of Level Archtikture. Complete renovation of entire home. Providing full schedule of finishes. Completion date July 2016.
Worked with client on creating a luxurious and formal atmosphere thought this home. Supplied soft furnishings, furniture and decorator items including commissioning a painting from local artist Kim Kennedy.
Provided client with advice and recommendations on co-ordinating fabric choices and style for curtains and decorator rods. Supplied and installed all soft furnishings.
Complete renovation of home. Worked with clients, lighting engineer, architect, builder and cabinet maker on designs and finishes. Supplied furniture and soft furnishings.
Renovation of bathroom, working with Sam at Pioneering Bathrooms. Selection and supply of furniture, Roman blinds and light fitting throughout home.